This season we did not manage to break the 600 km mark. In Croatia we reached the maximum possible, Serbia is out of the question. But Romania is on the table. The member state of the European Union joined the Schengen area on 31 March 2024. With immediate effect, controls at air and sea borders were abolished. Land controls have not yet been abolished. So when crossing the border by road, you must undergo border control. However, there is a lot of pressure to promote tourism and trade. Negotiations are under way to abolish these checks. This could happen by the end of 2024.
If that happens, there is a starting point Oravita - 617 km. This place is very familiar to us from previous years. We will therefore monitor the situation in Romania closely and if we have enough pigeons left after the final flight in 2025, we will certainly announce the Extra Final again.

Stanislav Matuška


EXTRA FINAL RAČINOVCI (CRO) * 560 KM * 1.10. 2024

Dear friends.
Extra final race from Croatian village Racinovci was very successful. The end is good - all good. This is a well-known truth. After the pigeon race a large group of breeders moved to the restaurant Věžka. Here we discussed and celebrated until the evening hours. A really nice end of the season.


Absolute ranking:
1. MS NOVÝ BYDŽOV (CZ) .............................................. Maximus .................. 14:27:00.06 .......... 1447,025 m/min.
2. LACH-JANIA Team (PL) ............................................... Boeing S22 ............... 14:27:01.29 .......... 1446,948
3. KONEČNÝ Vlastimil (CZ) ............................................. Moravia .................... 14:27:03.46 .......... 1446,813
4. LAŠ Vladimír (SK) ...................................................... Kawasaki .................. 14:27:05.89 .......... 1446,661
5. KUBÁČEK Lubomír "A" (CZ) ........................................ Thomas 2 .................. 14:27:06.96 .......... 1446,595
6. WITT Lutz "A" (DE) .................................................... Ribe ......................... 14:27:09.45 .......... 1446,440
7. KRBEČEK Jaroslav (CZ) .............................................. Alfa .......................... 14:28:00.66 .......... 1443,258
8. HOOP Michael (DE) .................................................... Disher ...................... 14:28:07.39 .......... 1442,841
9. NOVÁK Pavel (SK) ..................................................... Ado .......................... 14:28:12.67 .......... 1442,514
10.CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK "C" (CN) ...................... Spid 122 ................... 14:28:12.67 .......... 1442,514

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Austria: ............. MARJANOVIČ Robert .............................. Marko
1.cena Belgium: ............ EMIEL DENYS - DINA SIERENS ............... Emiel Dina 1
1.cena China: ............... CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK ................ Spid 122
1.cena Czech Republic: .. MS NOVÝ BYDŽOV ................................. Maximus
1.cena Germany: .......... WITT Lutz ............................................. Ribe
1.cena Poland: .............. LACH-JANIA Team ................................. Boeing S22
1.cena Slovakia: ........... LAŠ Vladimír ......................................... Kawasaki
1.cena Rest: ................ TEAM KUBÁČEK-VIGLIDÁN ....................... Kundrátek

Extraordinary award extra final:
In addition to the TOP 10 will receive an extra bonus in the form of one pigeon gratis in 2025 another 10 breeders, if they are not already in the National Winners category.

11. A & R TEAM Boháč (SK) .......................................................... AR 07
13. VLČEK Jiří (CZ) ...................................................................... Remy
14. ŠÁLEK Roman (CZ) ................................................................ RS 41
15. BULEJKO Jozef (SK) ............................................................... Borik 1
17. CEZAVA a.s. BLUČINA Ivan Miroslav (CZ) .. ............................... C 18
19. KRET Jiří (CZ) ........................................................................ Fíbí
20. KUBÁČEK Lubomír "C" (CZ)...................................................... Sedláková
21. OVŠÁK Anton + Filip (SK) ....................................................... Mach
22. KUBÁČEK Lubomír "A" (CZ) ................. ................................... Thomas 1
23. VARGA Miki (CZ) .................................................................... Jersey

The season will close for all competition and auction purposes at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5, 2024.
We look forward to 2025

Talent Quatro Team



Dear friends,
even though we thought we had all the papers in hand, we failed to cross the Serbian border. After three hours of negotiation, our car had to return to Hungary. The first bunch of customs officers were bothered that we didn't have the number of pigeons written down. We simply delivered. After the second batch was relieved, the second bunch was again bothered that we didn't have a veterinary certificate. We had it, but it wasn't on one of their forms. Marek Skrbek tried to sort everything out, but failed. In short, a return to the old days. Golden European Union, at least at this point.

Instead of booking a hotel and resting before Belgrade, our crew now continues on to Croatia. In a wide arc, they're going around Serbia.
The starting point will be the village of Racinovci with a distance of 560 km. It's a shame, but we did everything for the extra race. If the Serbian ministry had specified its requirements better, we would have met them. The conclusion is clear. Never again Serbia !!! Soon it will be midnight .....

Good flight !!!

On behalf of the Talent Quatro team
Stanislav Matuška



Dear friends,
The Extra Final will start on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at approximately 8:00 am. The pigeons will be released directly at the premises of the Serbian One Loft Race Beogradski AS Pobednik.

The OLR Talent Quatro area will be open for visitors from 12:00 pm.

The successful pigeons will have completed 300, 400, 500 and 600 km this season. There are not many of them in Europe !!!

Come. We will cheer the pigeons together.



Dear sports friends.
Final race from Croatian city Vrpolje is successfully over. We also know the winners and successful breeders in other competitions. But what about the others? We offer them another opportunity. This is the EXTRA FINAL from an even greater distance! First of all, we are working on a route from the Serbian capital Belgrade 610 km. However, Serbia is not a member of the European Union, so we have to get some permits to transport the pigeons. Mr. Marek Skrbek, who knows several breeders in Belgrade, is helping us with this matter. If we cannot get the permits, we have an alternative route from Croatia. Here it is without problems, but we can't reach a longer distance than 555 km. The starting point would be the border village of Racinovci, located on the Sava River.

Conditions of participation:
OLR Talent Quatro will select the 51 best pigeons from the final flight and from all ace competitions. We will publish the list of these pigeons. These pigeons will stay at home and cannot be activated for the Extra Finals. All other pigeons can be activated for a fee of 40 Euro/piece. Please email us the name of your team and the names of the pigeons you want to activate. Then transfer the appropriate amount by bank transfer, again mentioning the team name in the message to the recipient. Send us a copy of the bank transfer by email. We will keep the activated pigeons listed on the Races & Contests page.

E-mail: talent-quatro@centrum.cz
Handy: +420 777 991 787 Bohdana * english

Payment type Euro payment
CZ96 2010 0000 0024 0110 5224
Stanislav Matuska

For activation purposes, use the range list from the Vrpolje Finals. There is a note at the end of it Display / hidden the arrival details. If you click on this line, a table will appear Not arrived pigeons and underneath it a table called Arrival beyond the race. This lists the pigeons that have flown to the pigeon loft from previous races. You can also activate them. It is up to you. Everyone can only activate their own pigeons. The closing date for activations is Saturday 28 September 2024 by 22:00.

About 400 pigeons can now be practically activated. The race will be held with a minimum of 130 pigeons activated. 20% of the activation fees will be used for overhead and the remainder will be divided among the TOP 10 in the proportions of 35%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%. I believe there will be plenty of activated pigeons and we will all look forward to one more great pigeon experience.

Long live our Talents !!!

ACADEMY LOFT Štěpánek ............... CZ .......... Jiberisk 36
ACADEMY LOFT Štěpánek ................CZ .......... Modrý Drak
ACADEMY LOFT Štěpánek ............... CZ ...........Tabesa 33
ANDERHUB Oskar ...........................CH .......... Lisa
ARENDONK MS Vojkovice .................CZ .......... Sara
A & R TEAM Boháč ..........................SK .......... AR 08
BÄR Christian .................................DE .......... Eva
BEHLKE Andreas .............................DE .......... AB 02
BLAŽEK Petr ...................................CZ .......... Marie
BOGDÁNYI István ...........................HU .......... BI 17
BUREŠ Team ..................................CZ .......... Jasna
CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK .........CN .......... Spid 117
EIJERKAMP Hans & Evert - Jan ..........NL .......... Hans 417
GOGORA Milan ............................... SK .......... Zugo
HALATSCHEK Dietmar ......................AT .......... Hilde
HAUSLADEN Werner ........................DE .......... Favorite 7
HAUSLADEN Werner ........................DE .......... Michi 2
HAUSLADEN Werner ........................DE .......... The Belgian 1
HRADIL František ............................CZ .......... Ondra
HRYČOVSKÝ Pavel ...........................CZ .......... H3
JOEKEL SKYLIGHTS Team LUMEN ......DE .......... Canopus 4375
KLAUZ – VIGLIDAN .........................HU .......... Dark
KRBEČEK Jaroslav ...........................CZ .......... Jaryn
KRET Jiří ........................................CZ .......... Gina
LAMÁČEK David ..............................CZ .......... La Bali
MATEO ...........................................PL .......... Lewy
MIRABELLE Adrien ...........................BE .......... Howlin Wolf
MOELLER Andreas ...........................DE .......... Sweet Gloria
SG STEFFL .....................................DE .......... Blue Balon
SIEBERT DIETER + CHEN YUE ...........DE .......... Talent 422
STRAIF Walter ................................ AT .......... Anton
ŠEVČÍK Josef ..................................CZ .......... Kate
TEAM ALNA Alberto Cotayo ...............DE .......... Pump-Lil
TEAM GOCH Hans-Dieter Hofland ......DE .......... Marianne
TEAM HIGH FIVE .............................BE .......... T-Carina
TEAM MILOŠ A MIRO .......................SK .......... Michal
TEAM WEIS ....................................DE .......... Champ 73
TEAM YOUNG FLYERS Senohrábek .....CZ .......... SP 613
TEAM YOUNG FLYERS Senohrábek .....CZ .......... SP 744
TORAPE TEAM .................................CZ .......... Princezna
TORAPE TEAM .................................CZ .......... Sluníčko
TREPTE Arndt & Marcus ....................DE .......... Henk
VARGA Miki .....................................CZ .......... Aberdeen
VARGA Miki .....................................CZ .......... Hereford
VELECKÝ Stanislav ...........................CZ .......... Tom
VILKEVYCH – ROZIERS Team .............BE .......... Silviya
VLČEK Jiří .......................................CZ .......... Cort
WESENITZTALFLIEGER ......................DE .......... Lilli
WRÓBEL Michal & Patryk ...................PL .......... Ace Kaziu
ŽLIČAŘ Roman .................................CZ .......... Jetta
ŽLIČAŘ Roman .................................CZ .......... Touran


FINAL VRPOLJE (CRO) 510 KM * 22.9. 2024

Dear sports friends.
The XIth season of OLR Talent Quatro is already behind us. How was it? It was very similar to the 2023 season. The biggest problem was again the weather. A very promising start, very good run in the first three races. Pigeon losses were small. One of the smallest of all OLRs in the surrounding countries. Then came the race from Nyirad , 300 km and a big disappointment. Perfectly prepared pigeons and 50% loss. Of course the analysis of the causes followed. The result is clear. For seven seasons, we have run 300 km from Körmend. In this time there was only one unsuccessful race. However, 70% of the pigeons returned. Then new roads were built in the region, everything was dug up. So we chose a new place - Nyirád. A beautiful release site 70 km east of Körmend. The first year went without problems, but in the second year only 47% of the pigeons returned. The third year, however, was excellent. 92% of the pigeons returned. This year's Nyirád, again a huge loss. The only conclusion. Any westerly wind will take the young pigeons to the Slovak mountains. There they end up finding it very difficult to find their way home. The 70 km difference in the west-east direction determines the success. We already know the rest of the season. The smooth Katowice Memorial from Szigetvár 410 km and the final AIDI race from Vrpolje, when 232 pigeons out of 695 returned on the first day.

The weather played a huge role again this season. Half of the races were completed by August 6. That was even five days earlier than in 2023. But then a wave of high temperatures followed. This period we released pigeons only from the Ivanovice na Hané, 50 km training track. There were 57 tropical days in the Czech Republic !!! Another record that is not good for pigeons. Then came the turning point, the temperatures dropped sharply and it started to rain. After a week of rain, disaster struck, floods. Huge material damage. Even human casualties. Climate change is simply here and will have a very negative impact on our hobby, the breeding and racing of pigeons. The racing season has stopped for a week in all regions of the Czech Republic.

However, after a wave of rain the weather has calmed down. We had a few days to get the pigeons in shape for the 510 km long race. We also had only a week to prepare the Talent Quatro area for this festive event. The water got to us too, the terrain was heavily waterlogged. There was water under the pigeon lofts. In the end, everything was successful. A few sunny days helped. The area was ready as it is every year.

So the AIDI final was held on 22 September, two days later than in 2023. The record was in 2015, when the final race was held on 28 September. The regularity was supervised by Mrs. Dagmar Bortlová, member of the Presidium of the Czech-Moravian Association of Racing Pigeon Breeders. At this point we must thank Mrs. Bortlová and her husband for their careful scrutiny and proactive approach to the whole matter.

We arrived at the release point at 1:45 on Sunday. The pigeons had enough time to regenerate. In the morning Mr. Filip Pudič arrived, checked the seals and wrote down everything in the Starting Protocol. At 8:15 he gave the command to start. The pigeons flew immediately and without hesitation to the north. In the right direction. It was clear, calm and 14°C. The first 200 km, up to Lake Balaton, were practically windless. For the next 100 km, from Lake Balaton to Bratislava, there was a slight south wind. At Bratislava a strong easterly, i.e. crosswind started blowing around 16 km. This changed towards Brno, i.e. the next 100 km, to a strong south-westerly wind of up to 20 km. At the point of arrival, the south wind blew 11 km and the temperature rose to 25°C.

On the first day 232 pigeons arrived and the race was closed at 17:15:07.50 with 174 pigeons arriving for competition calculation purposes (25%). The second day was followed by the flight of 200 more pigeons in the morning. They will certainly not be the last pigeons. So the response to this year's AIDI finals is overwhelmingly positive. Some won, some were not so successful. The visitors saw the arrival of many pigeons and had a good time. They did not come to Šternberk for.


Absolute ranking:
1. HAUSLADEN Werner (DE) ......................................... Favorite 7 ................ 14:32:15.51 ........... 1351,858 m/min.
2. KRET Jiří (CZ) ......................................................... Gina ....................... 14:32:16.30 ........... 1351,811
3. VARGA Miki (CZ) ..................................................... Hereford .................. 14:32:16.70 ........... 1351,787
4. MATEO (PL) ............................................................ Lewy ....................... 14:32:17.06 ........... 1351.766
5. TEAM HIGH FIVE (BE) .............................................. T-Carina .................. 14:32:18.83 ........... 1351,660
6. HRADIL František (CZ) ............................................. Ondra ..................... 14:33:35.57 ........... 1347,094
7. BEHLKE Andreas (DE) .............................................. AB 02 ...................... 14:35:30.97 ........... 1340,285
8. A & R TEAM Boháč (SK) ........................................... AR 08 ..................... 14:39:07.09 ........... 1327,716
9. LAMÁČEK David (CZ) ............................................... La Bali ..................... 14:43:24.87 ........... 1313,030
10.STRAIF Walter (AT) ................................................. Anton ...................... 14:44:27.56 ........... 1309,508

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1. Austria: .................... SRAIF Walter .............................................. Anton
1. Belgium: .................. TEAM HIGH FIVE ......................................... T-Carina
1. China: ...................... CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK ...................... Spid 117
1. Czech Republic: ......... KRET Jiří ..................................................... Gina
1. Germany: ................. HAUSLADEN Werner ..................................... Favorite 7
1. Poland: ..................... MATEO ....................................................... Lewy
1. Slovakia: ................... A & R TEAM Boháč ....................................... AR 08
1. Rest: ........................ ANDERHUB Oskar (CH) ................................. Lisa

National Cup
1. Germany .............. 5742 bodů
2. Belgium ................ 5723
3. Poland .................. 5695
4. Czech Republic....... 5682
5. Switzerland ........... 5650

Super Team
1. CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK "A" ........... 18 ........... 15.827 koef.
The winner was an international team represented by top breeder Marek Skrbek. He was the only team in the competition of more than 200 teams to get the full number of places. That is 18 prizes from six competitions. An admirable performance!

All other categories can be found in the bar under the Races & competitions tab. Study them carefully now, because you will see some really valuable performances. Very few OLRs have in their programme courses over 300, 400 and 500 kilometres as the OLR Talent Quatro! All of the young pigeons mentioned above have managed just such a demanding programme.

Our team will now rest for a few days and immediately afterwards start the most enjoyable part. We will calculate the amount of the awards and contact our most successful participants immediately afterwards, as we do every year. At the same time we will start preparing the pigeon auction. So send us your pedigrees. Thank you.

On behalf of the OLR Talent Quatro team
Stanislav Matuška



Dear sports friends,
after a careful assessment of the situation, we have decided that the final race from Vrpolje, Croatia, will take place this Sunday, 22. September 2024. Our republic, neighbouring Poland and Austria have been hit by huge floods. The consequences are catastrophic. Many breeders now have other things to worry about than pigeons. In Sternberk we were lucky and there was no big water.

Even when it rained heavily, every day there was an hour without rain and the pigeons could train around the pigeon loft. Today, Tuesday.
17th September, we already had training in the morning and evening. At the same time, we are starting to feed a stronger feed. Energy content of the feed will increase steadily until Saturday. The total of today's training was 140 minutes. Tomorrow the volume training minutes will be the same or slightly higher. On Thursday, September 19, we will do a 50 km training session to refresh orientation. There will be feed and fresh water with conditioning in the loft upon arrival. After a short relaxation we will open the lofts and take a shower. The pigeons will bathe. In the evening and on Friday there will be training sessions around the loft. On Saturday we will not release the pigeons. This will get them ready for the 500km distance.

OLR Talent Quatro Team




Absolute ranking:
1. BEHLKE Andreas (DE) .............................................. AB 05 ..................... 10:50:02.17............ 1576,704 m/min.
2. OSKO Hubert (PL) ................................................... Walpor .................... 10:50:02.78 ........... 1576,642
3. LAMÁČEK David (CZ) ............................................... La Viva ................... 10:50:03.50 ........... 1576,569
4. HRYČOVSKÝ Pavel (CZ) ............................................ H 1 ........................ 10:50:04.57 ........... 1576,461
5. MS NOVÝ BYDŽOV (CZ) ............................................ Beky ...................... 10:50:10.23 ........... 1575,890
6. SUN FENG SHAN & SKRBEK MAREK (CN) .................... Molly 145 ................ 10:50:15.63 ........... 1575,345
7. FAMILY PINČÁK (SK) ................................................ Gold Weekend ......... 10:50:18.10 ........... 1575,096
8. HAUSLADEN Werner (DE) ......................................... Favorite 7 ............... 10:50:19.06 ........... 1574,999
9. TRAILOVCIC Goran (SE) ........................................... Neoldian ................. 10:50:20.10 ........... 1574,894
10.C.SCHWARM + M.WIESNET (DE) ............................... Keke ...................... 10:50:22.35 ........... 1574,667

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Rakousko: .... RIEGLER Josef ............................................. Hope
1.cena Belgie: ......... MIRABELLE Adrien ....................................... Howlin Wolf
1.cena Čína: ........... SUN FENG SHAN & SKRBEK MAREK ................ Molly 145
1.cena Česko: ......... LAMÁČEK David ........................................... La Viva
1.cena Německo: ..... BEHLKE Andreas .......................................... AB 05
1.cena Polsko: ......... OSKO Hubert ............................................... Walpor
1.cena Slovensko: .... FAMILY PINČÁK ............................................ Gold Weekend
1.cena Rest: .... ....... TRAILOVIC Goran (SE)............................. ..... Neoldian

This race was dedicated to the memory of 65 breeders who died in January 2006 in Katowice, where the exhibition hall collapsed on them. It is a very sad event and we will never forget our friends. The cup for the Katowice Memorial will be in good hands. It was won by his pigeon "AB 05" for its owner, Mr. Andreas BEHLKE. He is currently the best pigeon in OLR Talent Quatro.

The race itself developed exactly as expected and according to the weather forecast. Unlike the previous Nyirád, this time everything worked out 100%. The pigeon arrivals were highly appreciated by the breeders present. They fell from a great height. It was an excellent and wonderful experience.

Congratulations to the Talent Quatro team




Absolute ranking:
1. MICHALAK Bogdan (PL) .......................................... Miśka .....................11:35:05.06 ........... 1418,048 m/min.
2. GEERINCKX Bart - KOHLENBRENNER Simon (BE) ....... Beauty Romen ........ 11:35:05.93 ........... 1417,953
3. BEHLKE Andreas (DE) ............................................. AB 05 .................... 11:35:20.70 ........... 1416,332
4. VARGA Miki (CZ) .................................................... Aberdeen ............... 11:35:24.85 ........... 1415,877
5. TEAM YOUNG FLYERS Senohrábek (CZ) ..................... SP 613 ...................11:36:04.46 ........... 1411,551

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Rakousko: .... STRAIF Walter ............................................ Amsel
1.cena Belgie: ......... GEERINCKX Bart - KOHLENBRENNER Simon ... Beauty Romen
1.cena Čína: ........... CELINE SUN & SKRBEK Marek ...................... Spid 106
1.cena Česko: ......... VARGA Miki ................................................ Aberdeen
1.cena Německo: ..... BEHLKE Andreas ......................................... AB 05
1.cena Polsko: ......... MICHALAK Bogdan ...................................... Miśka
1.cena Slovensko: ... SLÍŽ J+J+L ................................................. Lili 1
1.cena Rest: ........... BOGDÁNYI István (HU) ................................ BI 17

The weather forecast basically came true. But the result is disastrous. In fact, the worst in our history. Yet up until now, we've been one of the best OLRs in the 2024 season. Losses are low, arrivals are excellent. Pigeons at home have been training fantastically. 70-80 minutes in the morning, at least 50 minutes in the evening. So every day they had at least 100 km in the wings. The pigeons flew at high altitude. All this is a sign of good health. Morning info from my daughter was, "Immediate departure." Also a very good indication. The fanciers present noted that the pigeons showed almost no signs of fatigue upon arrival. Still, we anxiously await the arrival of each pigeon ...

Congratulations to the Talent Quatro team




Absolute ranking:
1. HOLICKÝ Rostislav (CZ) ..................... Anika ............. 10:13:04.81 ........ 1226,391 m/min.
2. VILKEVYCH-ROZIERS Team (BE) ......... Katiya ............ 10:13:05.34 ........ 1226,324
3. GOIŠ Miroslav (CZ) ........................... Ola 3 ............. 10:13:06.62 ......... 1226,164

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Rakousko: .... WENZ Alfred .............................................. Champion Child
1.cena Belgie: ......... VILKEVYCH-ROZIERZ Team .......................... Katiya
1.cena Čína: ........... SUN FENG SHAN & SKRBEK Marek ................ Lucy 142
1.cena Česko: ......... HOLICKÝ Rostislav ...................................... Anika
1.cena Německo: ..... HAUSLADEN Werner ................................... Blue Star 7
1.cena Polsko: ......... MATEO ...................................................... Piotrus
1.cena Slovensko: ... TEAM MILOŠ + MIRO ................................... Jerguš
1.cena Rest: ........... PUDIĆ Filip (CR) ......................................... Yennefer

The pigeons took to flight immediately after the start. All the way there was a headwind of 7-8 km/h. It was not too strong, but the pigeons were already burdened and tested. The north wind ensured a fresh climate.

Congratulations to the Talent Quatro team




Absolute ranking:
1. LACH-JANIA Team (PL) .....................24 Spider .....09:49:24.24.....1339,989 m/min.
2. RIEGLER Josef (AT) ..........................Bäry ............09:49:27.04.....1339,465
3. VARGA Miki (CZ) ..............................Hereford ......09:49:28.29.....1339,232

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Rakousko: RIEGLER Josef ................................. Bäry
1.cena Belgie: .....DE MUYNCK Ronny .......................... XXX066
1.cena Čína:........CELINE SUN & SKRBEK Marek ........... Spid 109
1.cena Česko: .....VARGA Miki ..................................... Hereford
1.cena Německo:. TEAM GOCH 2 Hans Richard Mennen .. Tiguan
1.cena Polsko: .... LACH-JANIA Team ........................... 24 Spider
1.cena Slovensko: TEAM Puma .................................... Puma 720
1.cena The Rest:.. DERBY TEAM PILATUS (CH) ...............Oski 621

The pigeons started in a very slight headwind. This later changed to a slight crosswind. In the morning there was a fresh atmosphere. The pigeons took off without any problems.

Congratulations to the Talent Quatro team


KÚTY (SK) 124 KM


Absolute ranking:
1. CELINE SUN & SKRBEK MAREK (CN)...Spid 127.......09:33:37.71.....1324.383 m/min.
2. GRODNY - PARUCH (PL) ...................Puck.............09:33:42.44.....1323.269
3. BLAŽEK Petr "B" (CZ) ......................Tereza. .........09:33:43.20.....1323.090

National Winners:
National winners will receive an exceptional bonus of one free pigeon in 2025. For the competition seven countries have entered the competition with more than 50 pigeons delivered. As the eighth awarded entity, the Rest, will be made up of 10 countries that have met the condition of 50 or more pigeons delivered did not meet the requirement: BG + CR + ES + HU + CH + NL + NO + PT + RO + SE.

1.cena Rakousko: WENZ Alfred ........................... Herbstwind
1.cena Belgie: .....VILKEVYCH - ROZIERZ Team ......Katiya
1.cena Čína:........CELINE SUN & SKRBEK Marek ... Spid 127
1.cena Česko: .....BLAŽEK Petr "B" ...................... Tereza
1.cena Německo:. MÖLLER Andreas ......................Sweet Gloria
1.cena Polsko: .....GRODNY - PARUCH ...................Puck
1.cena Slovensko: HROZEN Peter...........................Elizabet
1.cena The Rest:.. LEXMAN Team (CR) ..................Ace Fantasia

The pigeons started in good weather (see our Facebook page). The departure was immediate. Within 5 minutes 1000 pigeons were registered.

Congratulations to the Talent Quatro team



On Wednesday, 17 July 2024, the XI. OLR Talent Quatro begins with the first timed practice. The flight time is already counted for the Time Ace competition. From then on, we start racing live. We wish you much success.

On behalf of the Talent Quatro team
Stanislav Matuška

Barring inclement weather.

Rescheduled to Thursday, July 18, 2024.



Dear sport friends,
On Thursday, 13.6. 2024, the chipping of pigeons was completed. Everything is going smoothly.
We are also working intensively to complete the modification of the inlets, in which new Tipes
antennas with double the sensing capacity.

For OLR Talent Quatro
Stanislav Matuska



Dear friends,
On the 5th of June the vaccination against paramyxo was completed. All pigeons are healthy and flying freely.

On behalf of the organizing team - Stanislav Matuška


CLOSE 2024

Dear sports friends,
as of today, 3. March 2024, we have stopped accepting payments and orders. 11th edition of OLR
Talent Quatro, is completely filled with teams with paid entry fees. Paid teams are marked with
a green line. See Breeders & Pigeons

So please do not send in your entry fees for 2024. We would have to refund your deposits. Thank you
for your understanding.

Stanislav Matuška



Dear sports friends,
we are now in the first week of 2024. The 2024 season is coming up in leaps and bounds. Last year you showed great interest in our OLR Talent Quatro. Registration for paid teams closed on March 7, 2023. This year, we hope to see even more interest. We are already registering 85% of our OLR capacity. We do not have a deadline for payment of the entry fee, but we recommend that you pay the entry fee as soon as possible.

Some of you have balances in your personal accounts from 2023. These can be used to reduce the start-up money in 2024. If you have forgotten your password, please email us at talent-quatro@centrum.cz We can help you.

We wish you good health and sporting success in 2024.

On behalf of the organizing team - Stanislav Matuška



The only change:
We are leaving the FCI organization. We have been here from the very beginning, 10 years. But recently this organization has not been active. It only collects money from us. Communication with it is very bad. Answers to our questions come very late or not at all. This is not how we imagine cooperation. For the year 2024 we have become members of WORLD LEAGUE - One Loft Racing.

Click on the PROPOSITIONS flap on the right.

Stanislav Matuška



Click on the YEAR flap on the right and select the year 2023.
